Ph.D. Mathematics,
Boston College (2010-2015)
Advisors: Martin Bridgeman and Ian Biringer
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (Fall 2008)
B.S. Physics & Mathematics, Northeastern University (2004-2008)
Doctoral Faculty
CUNY Graduate Center (2021 – present)
Assistant Professor
CUNY Queens College (2018 – present)
RTG Postdoctoral Assistant Professor
University of Michigan (2015 – 2018)
High School Math Teacher
Mystic Valley Regional Charter School (2009 – 2010)
National Science Foundation, Award DMS–2212922 (2022-2025)
LEAPS-MPS: Topological symmetries of non-compact Riemann surfaces
PSC-CUNY, Award 67380-00 55 (2024-2025)
PSC-CUNY, Award 66435-00 54 (2023-2024)
PSC-CUNY, Award 65331-00 53 (2022-2023)
PSC-CUNY, Award 64129-00 52 (2021-2022)
PSC-CUNY, Award 63524-00 51 (2020-2021)
PSC-CUNY, Award 62571-00 50 (2019-2020)
A complete CV is available here.